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Terry Fox  

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I chose to take this photo because I knew that the colours of the background and the leaves in the photo were similar. I defined the details out in the leaves to make them more visible so theres more clarity in the photo.

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I chose this picture because of the specific angle I took the picture at. You can see the clarity in the posted and the streaks in the paint. I really enjoy the reflection of the puddles on the ground, you can see the railings around the river.


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Sam Patterns Edits -1.jpg

I chose this photo because I liked the colour similarities in it. The sans and the water both have dark colours and the highlights in the waves match with the water crashing into shore. 

The pattern in the photo are how the plants palm leaves are aligned with each other. You can also see the details of the lines in the leaves. 

I liked how the pattern in this photo is overlapping each other. There is a variety of different shapes such as triangles, rectangles, squares etc.. It may look like a plain picture of a side of a chair but there is a lot of action in it of you look at the details. 

I chose this picture because of how it mainly focuses on the fencing instead of the background or both of the fence and the background. It has one thing that we are looking at and it stands out because of the focus and the blur in the back. 


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Sam bicycle Edits -1.jpg
Sam bicycle Edit-1.jpg

I chose this photo because you can see the details on the nike pedal. The grains in the metal and the chisels in the orange lights.

I made the details very visible in this photo because I wanted to see the clarity of the chains on the bike. you can see the rust and the details on the screws.

I chose this photo because of how the chain of the bike is un focused for the majority of the photo but the only part that is un blurred is the middle of the chain.

Rainy Days 


I chose this photo because of the object, and how you can see the rate drops coming off of the umbrella. 

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With this picture I really enjoy the clarity of the water drops on the leaves and falling off the leaves. You can also see the detail of the lines in the plant.

I chose this picture because of how the background is blurred out and everything is focused on the drops of water that are on the car window from the rain. 



I chose this photo because during Thanksgiving after eating lots of food you always have room for pie even if you are full. I increased the clarity and visuals of the details in the crust.


I chose this photo because infront of the stores during the weekend of Thanksgiving they put these pumpkins out for decoration. You can see the sun shining on the side of the pumpkin making it a little bit brighter.


I chose this photo because of the angle I took it. I was kneeling in front of a grocery store, practically on the ground to get the angle and I love how the colours are similar to each other. The leaves and the vegetables are the same colour and the orange stains match the scarecrow pumpkin.


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I chose this photo because I liked the angle it is shown at. I made the grey colour darker and brightened the whiteness on the lases.

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I chose this photo because of the two directions the boots are facing. You can also see the whole image of the boot not just one portion of it.

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I chose this photo because of the way I set the shoes up. One is on top of the other one and the brand is facing the camera.


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I chose this photo because of the angle I decided to take it. You can see the details on the ground and the path turns into a point.


I chose this picture because this leaf I found was almost perfect. I put the clarity on high so we could see the stem and roots.


I chose this photo because of how the sun is coming from one specific side of the photo. Theres a variety of colours from the leaves. 


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I chose this photo because  the houses in my neighbourhood were all decorated for Halloween. 

I chose this photo because the plastic pumpkins had a bright orange contrast. 

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We carved pumpkins and put candles in them. I brightens up the shadows so they aren't as dark but you can still feel the mood. You can also see the reflection of the glow on the counter.

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